Meng, M and Hunter, IC (2015)Synthesis of coupling matrix for lossy filter networks. In: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium. International Microwave Symposium, 17-22 May 2015, Phoenix, Arizona. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) . ISBN 978-1-4799-8275-2

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A generalized method for the synthesis of lossy microwave filters is given in this paper. An equation on the polynomials of S parameters is given to replace the power conservation. When the polynomials of S parameters satisfy a given condition, it is guaranteed that the admittance parameters as well as the coupling matrix (CM) can be derived from the S parameters. Two special cases are discussed for solving the refection function from a prescribed transfer function. In the first case, F11 (the numerator of S11) equals to F22 (the numerator of S22). This is the case that is equivalent to the even/odd mode analysis but is extended to be applied for asymmetric filter responses. In the second case, the loss distribution among a filter network is given. A method of iteration is applied to derive the CM with the prescribed loss distribution. The method is an extension to the conventional method of predistortion with nonuniform resonator Qs and lossy invertors.

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A simple model for the gas permeability induced by multilayer matrix cracks in composite laminates is proposed based on the leak conductance at crack intersections, which is an extension of the. In this paper a new approach to the synthesis of coupling matrices for microwave filters is presented. The new approach represents an advance on existing direct and optimization methods for coupling matrix synthesis, in that it will exhaustively discover all possible coupling matrix solutions for a network if more than one exists. Coupling Matrix Optimizer is a simple, but powerful, GUI that allows microwave filter designers to optimize coupling matrices (which represent coupled-resonator filters). It is especially indicated to obtain coupling schemes for which no formal synthesis procedure exist, as well as extract an equivalent network representation from the EM.

  • Meng, M
  • Hunter, IC
Copyright, Publisher and Additional Information:© 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works.
Keywords:lossy synthesis; filter synthesis; predistortion
  • Published: May 2015
  • Accepted: 10 February 2015
Institution:The University of Leeds
Academic Units:The University of Leeds > Faculty of Engineering & Physical Sciences (Leeds) > School of Electronic & Electrical Engineering (Leeds) > Pollard Institute (Leeds)
Funding Information:
FunderGrant number
Filtronic Comtek (UK) LtdNot Known
Depositing User:Symplectic Publications
Date Deposited:22 Jul 2015 13:38
Last Modified:19 Jan 2018 08:46
Published Version:
Publisher:Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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